Axidian is ready to repeat success in Risk Serbia in May

Mindshare 2019, cryptovision’s eID and IT Security conference, was held in Germany on the 14-15 of May.

For two whole days, everyone who cares about protection against cyber threats got acquainted with the possibilities of modern information security technologies.

Being a gold sponsor of the event, Axidian wants to express gratitude to cryptovision’s team for high professionalism and warmth.

The event was truly useful in terms of growing partnership collaboration between the two companies, extending the network, finding interesting projects and seeking inspiration for future developments. If you were at the conference, then you had probably visited our booth, where you could better understand the technical advantages of our products.

No worries if you have not. You still have a chance to do so at RISK 2019 Serbia on May 29th at Radisson Collection Hotel , one of the leading cybersecurity event in the Balkan region. The details are below.

You will also have the opportunity to listen to Mr Pavel Konyukhov, Axidian CTO, who will tell how to automate and manage PKI with the help of Axidian CertiFlow in the challenging environment of a mid-size and large enterprise. During the presentation at Mindshare, the audience asked many interesting questions and received full and complete answers.

Visit our booth at the conference RISK 2019 Serbia and attend Axidian’s speech at 12.00 at HALL M1.

We look forward to seeing you.