Access information
systems with
rfid cards

The solution based on Axidian Access provides logical access to the operating system and applications with the help of RFID card and supports integration with Access Control System (ACS)



Robust information security implies using a number of organizational and technical measures to safeguard your information, as well as physically protect your data from various threats. Cyberattacks today may be targeted at more than one system, which means that you need comprehensive cybersecurity systems to mitigate them.

It is evident that a single protection tool, no matter how advanced and effective, cannot avert all applicable cyber threats. For example, even when you are using a comprehensive security system, it may still be vulnerable if your users have weak passwords that can be easily cracked, such as «123456». Even the most advanced tools designed for protecting your company’s information systems won’t make sense in this case since critical vulnerability lies at the very core of your security system.

On the other hand, it would be wrong to assume that all cyber threats are purely digital in nature and having comprehensive technical security would be enough to protect your corporate resources.

For example, strong user authentication is often used for remote sessions, while local access may still be protected with regular passwords. When additional authentication factors are used for connections to public resources, one often disregards the most important question: Why is this necessary in the first place? The purpose of strong authentication, as a remote access security tool, goes beyond preventing free use of passwords by attackers in the context of uncontrolled connections. The first reason why alternative authentication factors offering higher security levels, as well as additional methods to protect remote desktops and public resources, may be required lies in the fact that physical protection of information may be unattainable in certain situations (when you cannot introduce entrance checkpoints, use video surveillance, install lockable doors, safes, etc.).

At the same time, physical protection of information resources is just as important as the technological means used to safeguard your data. This is why physical access security and control require no less attention than the protection of logical access.

Both of these processes related to access security rely on the same subprocesses:

  • User registration
  • User identification and authentication
  • Controlled access of your access subjects (employees or users) to your access objects (premises or IT resources)

Given their similar structure, the two processes can work in concert and complement each other. For example, you may want your employees to be able to log in and connect to your corporate resources in the designated rooms only. This may sound too obvious, and this is why this arrangement may not get as much attention as it deserves. The fact that an insider who was able to steal a login and password of a legitimate user may try to log into the system from their workstation is often overlooked.

If your company uses simple password authentication coupled with geolocation, you can say that what you actually have is a full-scale two-factor authentication since two factors, password and geolocation, are required for gaining access to your resources. The room itself is also protected, with access available only to authorized employees. RFID cards designed for physical Access Monitoring and Control Systems (AMCS) are often used for this purpose.

In order to enable two-factor authentication (password and employee geolocation) at your company, you need to integrate your AMCS system with another access security and control solution intended for individual workstations. At the same time, this solution must support contactless RFID cards that can be used both for authorization at desktops located in protected spaces and for gaining access to other less critical workstations located in public areas (for example, terminals at production shops).


Thanks to the specialized solutions designed for integrating your AMCS system with the access security and control tools, you can get a strong authentication system that takes note of the employees' geolocation on the company premises.

The Axidian Access platform supports not only system integration, but also contactless RFID cards that can be used for gaining access to your premises, desktop authorization in protected spaces or at other less critical workstations (such as terminals at production shops). It should be noted that the use of passwords or PIN codes is highly advisable for desktop authorization in protected spaces.

With AMCS integration, the Axidian Access platform enables various access protection scenarios (depending on usability, security, and maintenance cost requirements). The following scenarios are available:

  • A single RFID card used to gain physical access to premises and for desktop authorization
  • A single RFID card used to gain physical access to premises, for authorization at desktops, in corporate applications and web applications installed on workstations (via the Enterprise Single Sign-On module)
  • Biometric data used for AMCS access and desktop authorization
  • An RFID card or biometric data used for AMCS access, other authentication factors used for desktop authorization in protected spaces
  • A smart card with an RFID tag and a secure vault used as a single device for all user identification and authentication scenarios

The integration of physical and logical access management systems not only boosts the efficiency of the information security system, but also helps you ensure its high usability, as well as reduce costs when a single hardware device is used for all user identification and authentication tasks.

Technical parameters

User directories

  • Active Directory

RFID card models

  • EM-Marin
  • HID Prox
  • HID iClass
  • Mifare

Static biometric identification and authentication technology

  • Fingerprints
  • Palm vein pattern
  • Face geometry (2D and 3D)

Biometric scanner models

  • Fujitsu PalmSecure (palm vein pattern)
  • Intel RealSense (3D face)
  • BioSmart PalmJet (palm vein pattern)
  • Futronic FS-80 (fingerprints)
  • Full HD web cameras by any manufacturer (2D facial recognition)

Third-party security solution integration

  • Permission and user account management solutions: Solar inRights, 1IDM, Cube, Microsoft FIM, and IBM Tivoli Identity Manager
  • Solutions for information security event monitoring and correlation: SIEM solutions
  • Access monitoring and control solutions: Bastion, Orion (Bolid), and TSS AMCS (Seven Seals)

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industry about us

Andy Woo
Regional Director of Pacific Tech

At Pacific Tech, we are continuously evolving and bringing new solutions to our partners and customers in the region. We are delighted to be partnering with Axidian. With Axidian, we found a comprehensive access management solution which perfectly complements the growing population of Singapore work-from-home workers. As a leading cyber security solution provider, this strategic partnership is perfect for our two companies.

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KC KuppingerCole Report
Executive view

Axidian’s innovative approach towards designing its whole product portfolio as a highly modular open application platform allows the customers to pick and choose the modules as needed and grow in the future as their business needs expand. Even out of the box, Axidian CertiFlow provides comprehensive yet convenient management capabilities for both administrators and end users.

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Michael Bürger
Founder & Sales Partner at EU-HUB Network

Since approximately 5 years now I’m working with Axidian quite successfully. First as my vendor client and next as a trusted innovative software partner. Now we are re-selling Axidian software as a Distributor for the EU and beyond. Often I met Axidian CEOs, CTO, Product Management, Partner Managers and System Engineers, on the the phone and even in person in London and Munich and always my feeling was that this is are smart people, an excellent organized company, straight forward thinking and | don’t have any doubt that together we will be very successful this decade in the 2020s on everything we target.

Leo Querubin
Executive Director for Business Development of Pointwest Technologies Corporation

The products of Axidian, like Axidian Access, a software for strong and multi-factor authentication (MFA), can provide the structural changes that force everyone to follow necessary cybersecurity procedures. Customers get the best of both worlds — the world-class cybersecurity products of Axidian and the experience and expertise of the local cybersecurity landscape of Pointwest.

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Volkan Duman
Information Technologies General Manager at vMind

As a result of the long-term laboratory tests and studies that we conducted, we believe that Axidian products should certainly be on the Turkish market. Thanks to our partnership with Axidian, we sought to expand the access control and certificate management market, which is located in a narrow profile in the country, as well as add value by transferring technology to our country. When we compare Axidian products with similar products, we can safely say that they contain much more different features and are more inclusive.

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Marko Pust
Director of OSI.SI

We have a long partnership with Axidian for more than 2 years already. I can confidently say that Axidian CertiFlow is one of the best and technologically enhanced products for managing digital certificates and smart cards on the EU market. This product has a number of unique features such as Client Agent and Axidian AirCard Enterprise network-attached smart card that are highly valued by our customers. One of the customers said that Axidian CertiFlow brought automation and visibility to their PKI life.

Heng Lie
Director of Synnex Metrodata Indonesia

I believe that Axidian Access is an excellent solution for many of our clients. It manages access to all information systems of the enterprise and protects companies from internal and external cyber threats. It is a flexible platform combining different authentication scenarios and methods.

Sergey Yeliseyev
X–Infotech Owner, Business Development Director, Government eID solutions

Axidian is the company of professionals in the field of information security. They provide top-level solutions for PKI management and access control to corporate resources. We recommend this company as a reliable partner.