Axidian CertiFlow 7.0: Advanced IT Security with Internal Document Management and Enhanced Custom Logs

Axidian introduces Axidian CertiFlow version 7.0.

With the latest update, Axidian CertiFlow version 7.0. has improved the policy assignment workflow, implemented a service for internal electronic document management, enhanced card management capabilities with Axidian Agent, and more.

See what’s new in Axidian CertiFlow version 7.0.

Internal document management

Axidian CertiFlow is now powered by an internal document management service. It allows to administer the certificates lifecycle from one place and helps avoid exchanging documents via email, a practice that fails to meet cybersecurity requirements and makes it difficult to keep track of the documents workflow.

Here is one of the examples of how you can use this service. Users can file a certificate signing request, receive the request approval from administrators and obtain an e-signature certificate in their personal accounts. Thus the service allows users and administrators to collaborate within one system.

Moreover, the new service makes it possible to comply with subsidiary rules for obtaining an e-signature certificate. Before issuing a certificate, employers make sure that their employees have reviewed the certificate details and provided an acknowledging receipt. 

Custom logs

Axidian CertiFlow used to record information about the certificates issued by integrated certification authorities only. The new version makes it possible to track third-party certificates as well. In addition, you can customize your logs to fit your company’s requirements.

Agent performance enhancements

The latest update introduces the three new features in Axidian CertiFlow Agent.

First, you can revoke and clear all retired smart cards remotely. This feature helps prevent possible data leakage, since even after smart cards are retired they can still carry sensitive information that can be exposed to unauthorized users.

Second, the Agent now supports the built-in PIN reset feature of eToken PRO Java 72K keys, which requires changing the PIN when connecting a key to a workstation for the first time. The Agent will send users a reminder to change their passwords to ensure the proper operation of tokens.

And last, you can now track and delete inactive agents automatically based on a predefined schedule. 

Assigning policies to several user groups

Axidian CertiFlow version 7.0. makes it easier to manage user privileges. You can now assign a policy to several Active Directory user groups rather than to each group individually. 

New API values

In this version, administrators can use API to acquire data about USB tokens and smart cards, such as the details about the user who owns the card, the usage policy, and the certificates stored on the card.

Enhanced random password generator

In Axidian CertiFlow version 7.0., you can decide which special characters will be excluded when generating a random PIN, so that users are less likely to mistype their passwords.

Migrating data from Microsoft Active Directory 

To make migrating data from Microsoft AD to other databases easier, we have developed a tool to automate migration to Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL and Postgres Pro. 

Axidian CertiFlow version 7.0. is not just an upgrade, it’s a leap forward in enforcing your company’s cybersecurity. Click below to schedule your personalized tech demo.